Top 5 Points to Choose the Best Open Floor Plan in Home Merchandising

The open floor plan is a modern-era architectural design style made popular by modern architects. Open designs weren’t as widely used in earlier times mainly because of the lack of innovative heat delivery and ventilation solutions that made open floor plans more impractical to implement. Earlier schools of design had walls cutting off rooms as a standard so each division of the home can be heated/cooled individually. Thanks to innovations in heating and ventilation equipment, ductwork, and vent systems, the open floor plan became a viable option, which many interior design firms in Texas and modern designers love to use in today’s homes. Here are top reasons why an open floor plan is such a popular design choice in model home merchandising in Texas:

  • An open floor plan creates a flowing common area. Open designs are very popular in business and office settings because they encourage innovation. Interior design firms in Texas recommend open floor designs in homes because they promote togetherness, providing families with an expansive and comfortable shared space to converge and interact within.
  • Open floor plans enable flexible use of space. As opposed to heavily walled designs, where you are confined to space limits, open plans allow you to be more creative in creating or designating room functions without having to reconfigure physical walls and divisions.
  • Open designs are gems of model home merchandising in Texas because of the freedom they offer. In addition to making areas more flexible, open floors also help make homes feel larger as they open up sight lines and remove common obstructions, giving the illusion of a bigger space.
  • An open design is the perfect choice for homeowners who enjoy social interaction and entertaining guests because of the endless plane that can be used to create a good flow of space.

Author: marydewaltdesigngroup

Mary DeWalt Design Group is a nationally award winning model home merchandising design firm. Mary DeWalt Design Group is located in Austin Texas and design the models to meet the target market of the builder. They are a designing firm that specializes in merchandising model homes and work with the clients from plan stage to installation. They make all the exterior and interior finish selections and bring excitement to the builder's model homes.

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